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Untreated fibroid that has mineralized with calcium deposits is referred to as a calcified fibroid. These calcium deposits, like rock, harden the fibroid. Fibroids in the Uterus Uterine leiomyomas, often known as fibroids, are one of the most frequent disorders affecting women. Fibroids are noncancerous tumours that affect several layers of the uterus. These tumours develop from the smooth muscles of the uterus, hence the name "leiomyoma." So, what's the big deal? If the fibroid is large and left untreated, it may calcify. Some of the bulk fibroid symptoms may linger if a huge fibroid uterus is not treated and the fibroid calcifies. Non-surgical procedures, such as the UFE technique, may not be appropriate for women with calcified fibroids.

Gender Male
Age 42
Country United States

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