Inside 110Designs

Hugo Louroza – 110Designs Featured Designer

110Designs Featured Designer

Hey guys!

From this month we have started 110Designs Featured Designer, in which we aim to choose a Designer every month following Designer’s profile and success rate on 110Designs and take interview for inspiration to other designers.

So 110Designs 1st Featured Designer is Hugo Louroza from Portugal. He has entered in just 4 logo design contests and won a contest. We will definitely learn from his views. Read on…

110Designs: How did you get started in design?

Hugo Louroza: Logo design has always played a part in my life ever since childhood. Since I was a kid, I knew that my life would somehow be linked to the world of arts, because I’ve always been a creative person. Initially I wanted to be an architect, but I ended up fascinated by the area of design having graduated in Industrial Design. Graphic Design is my passion, the area that always amazed me and I chose as my profession.

110Designs: How do you get your inspiration? (what motivates/inspires you, describe your process)

Hugo Louroza: Inspiration is everywhere, but my main inspiration is my family, girlfriend and friends who always supported and encouraged me to go ahead and do what I really enjoy doing. I always try to be aware of the new “trends” in design especially in the area of branding. My process is simple and I believe it is the same of most of the designers: it begins with a careful reading of the design brief, followed by some research and then put ideas to paper with some sketches, then I start my work in CorelDraw and Adobe Illustrator.


110Designs: What led you to start using (Describe your experience)

Hugo Louroza: I started using when I was looking for inspiration for a design project. I really liked it and I started entering into contests, because I always search for new places to grow as a designer improving my work and constantly introduce me to new ideas and techniques.

110Designs: What are the three most important things that designers can do to have success at

Hugo Louroza:

  1. Define your style and always believe in your own work, because if we do not believe that our work is the best, it wouldn’t worth submitting our proposals.
  2. Respect the work of other designers
  3. Analyze thoroughly the Design brief and read the messages that the Contest Holder leave, because most of the ideas are there.

110Designs: What do you love most about being a designer?

Hugo Louroza: The fact that I am doing what I had always wanted to do and even getting paid for it and not having to do the same thing every day for years is what I love most about being a designer.
Freedom of creativity, expressing my personality.  I love when my work is seen by many people all over the world. Design is timeless and recognizable.

110Designs: What tip would you give to other contest holders?

Hugo Louroza: Write a clear Design brief and provide some links of examples that you love to help giving us a better idea on where to start. The brief plays a major role in the outcome, it must be detailed and the client’s feedback must be prompt and to-the-point.